Presidential Posts


Dale Wilkes

The last three years have been very taxing, the effects and uncertainty of Covid 19 have resulted in unprecedented challenges for all members of the shed. It should be noted that due to the diligence and for thought of the previous and current committees the shed has continued to operate effectively. The Shed’s financial position, the ability to improve and maintain resources remains robust.

An observation that I have made over the last few years is the level of acceptance the shed has received from the general public, this is very pleasing. There seems to be a constant stream of “Jobs”, from the public this is a testament to the effort, skills and commitment of the Shed members undertaking these tasks.    

As Vice President I would like to thank the previous committee and general members for their efforts in supporting the operations of the Shed. It also be noted that the display of genuine concern and care for other shed members is very gratifying. “Are You OK” is not just a catchy phrase in our environment.

As a Committee, decisions are made that are not always understood, however the running of the shed as a safe environment for everyone that attends is always the driving factor. Every member has contributed to make this happen and should be proud of their contribution.

My commitment for the next 2 years is to continue the operation of the shed in the manner intended. A place of comradery and friendship where every opinion is valued and help is provided to anyone that needs it.

We are always on the look out for new members, skills and opinions if you know anyone who would benefit from membership please encourage them to come along.

Ted’s previous comment “YOU’LL NEVER NEVER KNOW IF YOU NEVER HAVE A GO” is even more appropriate today so what are you waiting for.